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Give Peace of Mind this Valentine's Day with Life Insurance
Founder & CEO

Need Valentine’s Day Gift ideas? Today.com has an amazing roundup of gifts for husbands, wives, significant others, parents, kids, and friends. It’s easy to get caught up in online shopping — I even picked up a Star Wars popcorn maker from that list myself. Let’s talk about life insurance as a longer-lasting, higher-impact Valentine’s Day gift for your loved ones.  

Life insurance might not seem like an obvious choice for Valentine’s Day, but it’s a gift worth considering for many reasons:

  • It’s thoughtful. Showing your loved ones that you want to take care of them in any and all scenarios is a great act of love.
  • It’s a gift that can outlive you by many lifetimes. Making sure your loved ones would be well cared for — even if you were gone — echoes across generations. Life insurance can keep your family in their cherished home or allow your spouse flexibility around taking time off of work or working part time without having to worry about money. And your descendents, some of whom might be too young to remember you or did not even meet you, will know and remember how you took care of them. 
  • It’s helpful. If your spouse or partner has ever expressed frustration that you’re not shouldering a fair share of the Mental Load, you can impress them with your ability to take care of life insurance. AboveBoard life insurance concierges make it easy and peaceful to get this done. We’ll do the legwork, and you can take the credit! 

Life Insurance is Less Expensive Than Many Popular Valentine’s Day Gifts

Did you know the average person plans to spend $196.31 on Valentine’s Day — that’s $392.62 per couple! 

Instead of ordering those flowers that will live for a few days, you could put the money towards life insurance. Policies are more affordable than you think. A healthy non-smoking couple in their mid-20s to mid-30s can expect to spend $50-$60 per month for $2 million in total coverage (see chart below). That’s about $600-$720 per year — not much more than the $392.62 per year that the average couple spends on Valentine’s Day.

Here are the monthly payments to provide $1,000,000 of 20 year term coverage for your loved ones (assuming you’re a healthy non-smoker):

How much does it cost to get $1,000,000 of life insurance coverage?

Note this is for a 20 year term, so you lock in the rate for a full 20 years

Rates are per person



25 Year Old

(lasts until age 45)



35 Year Old

(lasts until age 55)



45 Year Old

(lasts until age 65)



Regardless of your plans this Valentine’s Day, we’re happy to help you get covered!

Wallis is the Founder & CEO of AboveBoard Financial, a company reinventing investment advice and insurance with revolutionary transparency and honesty. Wallis spent over 10 years at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker and hedge fund investor in financial institutions. She founded AboveBoard to cut through the BS and present important choices with clarity and compassion. Wallis lives in New York City with her husband and two young children.